An Insight from and Young Hoteliers | A YouTube Smile

The 1st quarter of what WAS a new year is about wrap up.   We have likely all experienced certain successes and disappointments over the last quarter (and year)  and are looking forward to renewed enthusiasm .

Will the next quarter automatically bring changes? Of course it will , but changes are neither positive or negative until they are acted on.  Where do those changes come from?

To those of us under 40 years of age, we have had the habit of being able to or at times forced to follow the ideas and direction of those older and we hope, wiser for their experience.   For those of us over 40, we are expected to share some of our knowledge and at the same time, acknowledge that the next generation will have some exceptional ideas, energy and momentum that we should tap into.

In our training and certification programs, we rely on the balance offered by blended learning.   This approach includes case studies, some lecture from experienced faculty, substantial interaction in group discussions and videos.  Participants in our programs often span three generations of professionals looking to improve their professionalism and we are always looking for ways to make learning more enjoyable.

One You Tube that I often use was one created by and brought to us all by attendees at the The Young Hoteliers Summit.   This now annual Young Hoteliers Summit in 2014 had delegates and team members that came together from 26 schools, spanning 5 continents and 15 nationalities. Their energy and enthusiasm showed they were HAPPY, as can be seen in this short message!   We use it after lunch to get people re-energized and to see that ‘We are Happy’ is a mind set.

The Young Hoteliers Summit has a serious side and acts towards improving professional opportunities for young talent in hospitality. It is the first entirely student focused and student run hospitality summit, designed to reduce the gap between the key stakeholders — industry, academic institutions and students from leading hotel management schools around the world. Creating a platform for knowledge and idea exchange, networking opportunities and a friendly competition, it works to foster a dialogue on employment related topics between these stakeholders.

The 2nd video shows the business side of the event.

While I have not yet attended this Summit, I recognize the zeal and intensity of all who participate, regardless of age or country or any other descriptor.  We all need to learn how to be energized, motivated, focused and HAPPY.

The 2015 Summit is fast approaching and this year’s attendees know what they are looking forward to.

Do you?

.John Hogan       Kathleen Hogan


Kathleen Hogan Ireland Sept 2013John Hogan Sept 2013DSCN0215Dr. John Hogan CHA CMHS CHE CHO and Kathleen Hogan MBA CHO are the co-founders of, which was created in 2010 to be a resource for hotel owners and professionals as they sought to improve market share, occupancy, operational efficiency and profitability.  The husband and wife team are transitioning the original membership site concept and evolving the business model today to a focused resource offering consulting, training, and individualized support to both hospitality and other service businesses.   Services include keynote addresses workshops, online support, metrics measurement, marketing and customer service from a group of more than a dozen experienced professionals.   While continuing to serve hospitality, the demand for these types of services is growing and can be personalized.

John Hogan is also the principal of, which provides a range of expert professional services for hotel owners, including professional development for organizations, training, consulting and expert witness services.

Contact information:  Kathleen Hogan  480-436-0283, John Hogan 602-799-5375 or
