Think Big, Act Small : How America’s Best Performing Companies Keep the Start-up Spirit Alive

The answer to business success is in the title! Highly Recommended!

41BTZ9FMHNL._SX320_BO1,204,203,200_  I have found that a great deal of research does not contribute to the improvement of process or people, but tends to be credited towards tenure or supporting a position already espoused by an organization. The information shared in this book offers a wonderful option to research, in that in provides real world solutions to real world problems.

The Jennings research analyzed more than 100,000 companies to find the characteristics of success that may elude many of us. The group discovered practical approaches to achieving consistency in performance, revenues, team work and results. There are specific action steps that can be evaluated and replicated, which is what I consider the purpose of research.

I had the opportunity to hear a Jennings keynote once – he is dynamic and interesting.

Comments and suggestions for future articles are always welcome 



Hotelier, Speaker, Educator, Author, Expert Witness    Office 480-436-0283   Cell 602-799-5375

  Success does not come by accident or chance.