Worth the time and money!

We all realize today that technology plays a major role in almost all businesses. Ignorance of how to effectively position one’s business is no longer acceptable to be able to compete.

I am not a technically oriented person, but have learned a great deal about placing businesses and their information online.

As I often do, I have tried to identify some positives and limitations in reviews:


• The book is user friendly and very visual, and almost every page has web screenshots, which are labeled. The images show readers where to look and what to do during process of optimizing a website.

• The book is skill-based, with steps intended to teach one “how to” to perform internet marketing and SEO.

• It has more than SEO, and discussed social media, web hosting, and more, which is very important.


• The book tries to be relevant but it is hard to follow sometimes. It is not a one size fits all for all levels, but that may be a positive for some readers. The book seems geared for a very particular type of person who wants fast answers .

• I believe this is a book aimed at newcomers or novices, with some solid reference material. It does not seem to be a comprehensive guide, but that may also be a positive

The author Kristopher B. Jones provides understandable and professional assistance and demonstrates effective SEO techniques that are known to online marketers .

Areas covered include:

  1.  Keyword Generation
  2.  Creating Web Pages
  3.  Website Structure
  4.  Creating Optimized Content
  5.  Creating Communities
  6. Building Links
  7.  Using Google Analytics
  8.  Social Media Optimization
  9.  Creating Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
  10.  Optimizing for Local Search
  11.  SEO Plug-ins & Tools

I am still learning and feel this reference is worth the time and money!

A focused look at the path to success – recommended reading

This book is a good logic forward and rocks and Dan Heath, coauthor of SWITCH, who uses examples of how Chris Rock perfected his comedy routines through months of , at times, painful performances.

The premise of the book is based on fact and experience of shared by many of us. There are references to youth, including practice of learning piano, a new language and sports. A reality for many of us remains from those focused efforts to study and practice along the way.

The authors use examples of legendary college coach John Wooden of UCLA and his almost fanatical commitment and the definition of success. He found success come from “old fashioned, well orchestrated, intentionally executed, carefully planned practice.”

The book is not meant for athletic coaches, but rather primarily for teachers. The author identifies 42 separate rules that are brief and focused. They often use sports or youth images, but they are not about play.

The sections of the book are as follows, with each having 5 – 6 short sub headers or rules:

* Rethinking practice

* How to practice

* using modeling

* Feedback

* Culture of practice

* Post practice: making new skills stick

* The Monday morning test

I did not care for the information in appendix A or B. I was an adjunct professor for 20 years at three different colleges and have taught thousands of professional workshops and these activities were just not on target from my perspective.

The closing comments on the books back cover share some very positive messages. They remind us that while we live in competition loving culture, our success is very likely to come from practice more than from just games.


As always, feedback is appreciated.


John@Hoganhospitality.com    Office 480-436-0283   Cell 602-799-5375

Hotelier, Speaker, Educator, Author, Expert Witness