The Rules of Management | Recommended Reading by

A Great Resource for the Rising Professional and Mid-Level Manager of Today!

by Richard Templar

A Great Resource for the Rising Professional and Mid-Level Manager of Today!
I hope readers of this review will not take my title to mean this is only for the rising professional- it can be a great refresher for any level of manager, but I find it to be a top notch resource for those who are on their way up.

A recap
* 227 pages , divided into two main sections:

1 – Managing Your Team and

2- Managing Yourself

* 106 “rules” dealing with hiring, motivating, disciplining, training, coaching and all that a manager should be doing regularly
* “Words of Wisdom” at the end of each of the two pages of “rules” that has a reflective quote or observation

I could expand my comments but I have discovered that brevity sometimes hits the mark better. This is a 5 Star Rating recommendation and its direct and to the point messages are well crafted and of real value.

As always, comments and feedback are welcome

John Hogan, CHA CHE



Kathleen Hogan Ireland Sept 2013John J. Hogan CHA CMHS CHE CHO and

Kathleen Hogan MBA CHO are the co-founders of, which was created in 2010 to be a resource for hotel owners and professionals as they sought to improve market share, occupancy, operational efficiency and profitability.

The husband and wife team are transitioning the original membership site concept and evolving the business model today to a focused resource offering consulting, training, and individualized support to both hospitality and other service businesses.   Services include keynote addresses workshops, online support, metrics measurement, marketing and customer service from a group of more than a dozen experienced professionals.   While continuing to serve hospitality, the demand for these types of services is growing and can be personalized.

John Hogan is also the principal of, which provides a range of expert professional services for hotel owners, including professional development for organizations, training, consulting and expert witness services.

John Hogan Sept 2013DSCN0215



Contact information:  Kathleen Hogan  480-436-0283,

John Hogan

602-799-5375 or

Workshops Available: 


Becoming a Class of One


  • Hotel Profitability
  • Hotel Sales and Marketing
  • Hotel Guest Services
  • Hotel Operations and Business Strategies

Contact Dr. John Hogan for more information.

adqt“Adequate” is a very ordinary word and too many hospitality xptnlbusinesses accept their performance and results as adequate, rather than exceptional.  This keynote  examines key hospitality businesses that were able to transcend the ordinary and became known as industry leaders in their own “class”.