Recommended Reading from| The Solution Revolution: How Business, Government, and Social Enterprises Are Teaming Up to Solve Society’s Toughest Problems

The Solution Revolution: How Business, Government, and Social Enterprises Are Teaming Up to Solve Society’s Toughest Problems 

by William D. Eggers  , Paul Macmillan

The premise of this book is to identify and discuss ways that government, business and social and two bronzes and work together to solve issues that face society today.

It is a bit challenging to read the way it is formatted, but it is worth the time to read the valuable message.

The book is concise and less than 300 pages.  It is divided into seven chapters:

  1. The wavemakers, or those considered rising stars engage in delivering solutions. This includes examples of changes in corporate philanthropy on page 23, as well as people of all backgrounds who want to make changes. These include well-known investors, CEOs, and current and former government officials.


  1. Disruptive technologies- this discuss is the growing significance of mobile technologies as a great equalizer in the problem solving potential of social media.


  1. Business models that scale . This is an unusual chapter and discuss is for joint use that as par sharing the, innovation in health and education, franchises, platforms of discussions on line, freemiums or primary services or goods provided for free by selling the premium were complimentary product and citizens sourcing..  This chapter must be read with careful analysis as it includes some changes in the business norm of today.


  1. The currencies. This chapter  requires careful reading as it discusses the essential characteristics of impact currencies such as credits, social outcomes, citizen capital, data, and reputation.  Some of these terms are becoming well-known while others require study.


  1. Public- value exchanges. Chapter five discusses the initiation and delivery of a variety of different exchangers, which can be defined as crowd funding ,impact exchange, two sided markets, prizes and challenges and payments by  result.  This all those new to most of us, and as they are enabled by web technologies ,  these exchanges drive public  value by connecting capital to all types of society’s problems  with those who want to try to solve them. ( p. 167)


  1. The ecosystems. This chapter discusses revolutionizing education through more blended learning, more customizable curriculums similar to those from Khan Academy and marketable skills through a series of other well-known sources.  This chapter discusses affordable housing on page 183 through 188 and another topics including ending human trafficking on page 189 through 192


  1. Creating your own solution revolution. The chapter title implies a series of action steps, and there are  strategies, recommendations and ideas on ways to change your focus and how to determine that what we measure  matters.  It looks at the topic from both an individual and business point of view and tries to marry them together with government support.


This book shows some very diverse examples of initiatives of multinational companies ranging from  Shell Oil to Microsoft to GTE to Whole Foods, and global markets


I found this to be a challenging read in the way it is formatted, but it worth the time to read the valuable message.



Hospitality Educators          Hogan Hospitality



Kathleen Hogan Ireland Sept 2013John J. Hogan CHA CMHS CHE CHO and Kathleen Hogan MBA CHO are the co-founders of, which was created in 2010 to be a resource for hotel owners and professionals as they sought to improve market share, occupancy, operational efficiency and profitability.

The husband and wife team are transitioning the original membership site concept and evolving the business model today to a focused resource offering consulting, training, and individualized support to both hospitality and other service businesses.   Services include keynote addresses workshops, online support, metrics measurement, marketing and customer service from a group of more than a dozen experienced professionals.   While continuing to serve hospitality, the demand for these types of services is growing and can be personalized.

John Hogan is also the principal of, which provides a range of expert professional services for hotel owners, including professional development for organizations, training, consulting and expert witness services.

John Hogan Sept 2013DSCN0215

Contact information:  Kathleen Hogan  480-436-0283, John Hogan 602-799-5375 or

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 Lessons From the Field:   A Common Sense Approach to Effective Hotel Sales 

A to Z Steps to Profits

45 Proven Ways to Succeed in Hospitality in Any Economy

Hotel Sales Action Steps to Succeed – Anytime, Anywhere 

10 Hotel Mistakes to Avoid in Selling